Our Mission
Welcome to REV316
Our mission is to create a place where friendships can form. And not just any friendships. We're talking about authentic, Christ-centered friendships that help everyone involved to live out their faith with passion. That's what REV316 is all about.
We believe that no man is an island. God has placed a burning desire for community in every person's heart. We all feel it. The problem is we can't always find community. And it often feels like we are going at this life alone. That's exactly what REV316 seeks to fix. The young adults of REV316 all recognize the need for deep and lasting friendships and ongoing fellowship, and we're dedicated to providing a place where Catholic young adults can go to find community.
Through our community, we help each other to grow in our faith and passion for God. We fan the flame of God's love in each other's hearts. We don't want mediocrity - we want to be on fire for God. And we want that fire to spread to the world around us. If our mission speaks to you, then this group is for you.
Our Mission:
Striving to passionately live out our Catholic faith as a community of young adults through authentic Christ-centered friendships
Have you ever experienced an authentic, Christ-centered friendship? A friendship where you are able to be completely yourself, sharing your hopes, your triumphs, your heartbreak, and your struggles? A friendship where you allow yourself to be truly seen? Even the parts of yourself that you sometimes hide? Authentic friendships take courage. It takes vulnerability. But authentic friendship is what we were created for.
What does a vibrant, passionate community of young adults striving to live our their Catholic faith look like? We can tell you from firsthand experience. It looks like a group of friends laughing together, working together, crying together and praying together. It looks like a group of young people growing in friendship with each other, while at the same time learning how to grow in friendship with Christ. It looks like a community of friends who are helping each other to become saints.
Our Vision:
To foster a Catholic young adult culture that values and participates in authentic Christ-centered friendship and community as a means to becoming saints.
REV316 provides a place where you can come to find this kind of life-changing friendship. It just takes a few small acts of courage on your part.
Come to one of our events. We know that it's intimidating to come to a young adult event as a new person, but we would love to welcome you into our community!
Once you've taken the first step and come to an event, be BOLD! Introduce yourself, and get to know some people. You have been blessed with unique gifts that are meant to be shared with others.
Once you've met a few people, pursue friendship with them! Meet for coffee, go see a movie together, get to know them on a deeper level. Authentic friendships require work, but it's worth the effort.